Organization schedules are a free service of If you have at least THREE of your artists that are using our concert database service, we will create a page like this one that displays each artist, their next few dates, a link to the full schedule, information about the organization and a link to the organization's web site.
We make this service available to booking agencies, recording companies, promotion companies, artist associations and industry/fan "gathering places", such as message boards.
Send us an e-mail to let us know that we need to include you in one of these organization pages, or if we need to add an organization. If you aren't yet a HeavenSound artist or organization, visit our SERVICES page, or contact us HERE.
Date / Time | Venue | | Sun. Feb 16 9:15 & 11:00 AM | Trinity Church of New Cumberland 415 Bridge Street -- New Cumberland, PA 17070 - Map | Sun. Mar 16 10:25 AM | Salem Mennonite Church 41 East Cherry Road -- Quakertown, PA 18951 - Map |
David Theis
Pennsylvania Southern Gospel Music Association
434 Bethany Drive
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-4313
The purpose of The Pennsylvania Southern Gospel Music Association is to maintain the Pennsylvania Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame and to preserve for all time, the historic background and accomplishments of the music, its purpose and its ministry. Its mission statement is, "Honoring the Past for Future Generations".