
What is HeavenSound?
HeavenSound.com is a web site that offers concert database services to gospel artists, with the added benefit that music fans can easly find hundreds of concerts for their area. Our system also enables artists to keep their official site schedule page always up-to-date. Fans can click on their state to see upcoming dates, and subscribe to receive our free ConcertMail newsletter twice a month, featuring concerts for their state.

It seems to be a common misconception that gospel fans will be visiting hundreds of artist's schedule pages each month to see if there are any updates. They don't. HeavenSound fills in the information gap by providing a central location to find nearby concerts. Concerts that may have been booked MINUTES before they visit will be displayed. Artists posting their schedules in our database are reaching the 15,000 gospel fans that visit our site each month looking for concerts.

How does it work?
Member artists log on to our site through the member's area. New dates can be added, existing information updated, or dates deleted with no programming knowledge required. Those dates are instantly accessible on the artist page on HeavenSound, the State Concert Calendars, and can be available immediately on the artist's official website using our Custom Schedule Page service. Old dates automatically scroll off, so it greatly reduces maintenance time to keep your web site up-to-date.

Can you show me some samples?
Artist page, hosted on HeavenSound.com with links to artist site - HeavenSound Harmony
Artist page, hosted on HeavenSound.com with links to artist site - Living Water
Official Site schedule page, displaying dates entered on HeavenSound.com - John Graves
Official Site schedule page, displaying dates entered on HeavenSound.com - Made By Mercy

I hope the service isn't expensive...
It isn't! The cost is $9 per month billed on an annual or semi-annual basis. If you select annual billing, you'll receive one FREE month of service each year and pay the discounted annual rate of only $99.00!

Are many artists using this service?
Yes. Click here to see the artists that are already using our concert database service.

Sign Up
Send an e-mail to info@heavensound.com with the following information:
  • Primary Contact Name
  • Primary Contact Number
  • Artist/Group Name
  • Artist/Group Mailing Address
  • Artist/Group Primary Booking Phone
  • Artist/Group Primary Booking E-Mail Address
  • Official Group Website
  • Your choice of Subscription plans (Annual or Semi-Annual)

    User Names and Password Requirements
    HeavenSound cares about your information security, so due to increasing internet security concerns, we are now requiring more complex user names and passwords. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

  • Requested User Name (for your administrative access)
    Must be a minimum of 8 alphanumeric characters

  • Requested Password (for your administrative access)
    Must include a minimum of 1 Uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 of these special characters (& @ # $ % + !)

Your subscription includes a Standard Artist Page for all artists. This page includes up to four (4) sound clips, the artist biography, contact information, appearance schedule and artist photo. Everything a church pastor or promoter would need to know to book you in their church or concert hall!

Our Guarantee
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If, in the first 30 days you use this site, you are unhappy with the services we provide, you may cancel your account and we will be happy to refund your initial payment minus a $15 setup fee.

Organization Pages
We are happy to provide schedule pages for any organization when at least three of its member artists are also HeavenSound artists! Whether you are a booking or talent agency, artists association, promotions company, record company or industry/fan website, your artist's schedules will be available for your own page on our site. We can also work with you and your webmaster to integrate this information as part of your organization's official site. Our Organization page links may be found on our home page.

Contact Us if you have questions!