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The Branches
BOOKING - Phone / (580) 239-0098 (M); (918) 874-3514 (H) - BOOKING - E-mail / littlebitkillian@yahoo.com
503 D Street - Wardville, OK 74576
Upcoming Concerts
Sun. May 4
10:00 am
Bohannon Community Church
Stuart, , Oklahoma
Sat. May 17
6:00 pm
Pittsburg Community Church (formerly Methodist)
Pittsburg,, Okla.
Sun. Jun 29
11:00 am
High Hill Baptist Church Gospel Concert
McAlester,, Oklahoma


"I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me,
and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit
for without Me ye can do nothing."
John 15:5

We took our name from John 15:5, because we feel that our ministry is to be a branch and spread the gospel through our songs. Our music is our ministry. Susan Killian and Yvonne Williams, vocalist and pianist, and Jane Grubbs, vocalist. We have been singing together since 2011. God brought us all together and has blessed us very much over the years. We sing harmony with a variety of genres, such as Southern Gospel, Country Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel, Contemporary, Old Hymns and any song God lays on our hearts. We feel led to bring the gospel through the words of our songs.

We are available to schedule revivals, concerts, or any other special events and would like for you to consider us to bring GodÂ’s Word through our special music. We have been blessed to sing in many various churches in Oklahoma, for benefits, in nursing homes, retirement centers, and special occasions.

Members of:

  • (OCOSBE) Oklahoma Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists
  • (OUGMA) Oklahoma United Gospel Music Association
  • (GWAP) We are also blessed to be a part of Gospel With a Purpose in Stillwater.

To book The Branches, use the information at the top of the screen!


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