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Saved By Grace
BOOKING - Phone / (972) 467-5011 or (214) 850-8858 - BOOKING - E-mail / sbg.wordministry@gmail.com
13525 Vida Lane - Dallas, TX 75253
Upcoming Concerts
Sat. Mar 1
Harmony n Hymns Gospel Concert
Garland, TX
Sat. Mar 8
Shiloh Road Baptist Church
Sat. Mar 15
Shorty's BBQ Monthly Gospel Singing
Seagoville, TX
Sat. Apr 5
Harmony n Hymns Gospel Concert
Garland, TX
Sat. Apr 12
Connie and Paul's Wedding
Sat. Apr 19
Shorty's BBQ Monthly Gospel Singing
Seagoville, TX


Sound Clips


Saved By Grace is a husband and wife duet based out of Dallas, Texas, ministering through southern sospel music and old-fashioned Bible preaching. The group name Saved By Grace identifies with every individual who believes and calls upon the name of the lord. We are all nothing more than sinners Saved By Grace. Our ministry focus is to point the lost to Christ, encourage the believer and lift up the name of Jesus Christ, while always giving Him all praise, honor and glory.

Group founders Darrell and Dina Howerton have been married since 2001 and have been blessed to share their lives with four children. Darrell grew up in a small town in East Texas and felt the call of God early in his life. Singing in church and other local venues created a love of Southern Gospel music in Darrell that he has carried with him all of his life. Saved and baptized at an early age in a small Baptist church would prove to set the foundation that would bring him to the service of the Lord later in life. After serving in the Air Force for almost 8 years, he settled in Dallas, Texas, in 1992. He became Pastor of a local church in 2012 and served there for almost 3 years. Late in 2015, he became Pastor of a church in Crandall, Texas, until feeling the call of the Lord in 2018 to the field of ministry in gospel music and evangelism.

Dina also grew up in a small-town in south Texas and attended a small church that her great grandfather helped to organize in 1912. She spent her early years among the fields and orchards of the Rio Grande Valley in San Juan, Texas.

Dina gave her heart to the Lord early in life, and after graduating high school, she attended TWU and settled in Dallas in 1985, where she continued to attend church with her family in the Mesquite area. She always had a love for music but was never actually involved in public singing until she married Darrell. Darrell was already singing and had recorded a solo CD when one day, Dina decided she wanted to sing too! Once she started, she quickly fell in love with ministering to people through southern gospel music. Dina believes that music touches the heart of a person in a special way and is always eager to minister. Along with her singing, she also serves as a guest speaker in Ladies' ministry. Most recently, Saved By Grace was honored by the Gospel Music Artist's Association with the 2023 Duet Of The Year Award!

Together, Darrell and Dina, known as Saved By Grace, minister in churches and nursing facilities, at special events, and at The Bridge Steps Homeless Recovery Center in Dallas, Texas. Saved By Grace is available for your next revival, special event or service. Please contact them using the information at the top of this screen.


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