The quartet was formed in the summer of 2010 and went by the name No Other Way Quartet but changed the name in late 2017 to Psalms Journey.
Our goal is to not only be entertaining but more importantly, share the gospel of Jesus Christ through our music. We will always strive to produce a good quality sound that is enhanced by a personable and professional stage presence that will bring honor and glory to our Lord. Such a goal requires each member to have an undeniable call to the ministry and to be firmly committed to serving the Lord proclaiming His love.
We thank God for allowing us to witness the salvation of many as He has moved during our concerts and services over the past five years and pray the Lord will continue to call hungry, hurting hearts to respond to Him through our music as we continue on the journey making harmony for the King.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Our website is temporarily unavailable, so please follow this link to the Richard Townzen Ministries website to see our schedule. Check back often for future updates!