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Appointed By Grace
BOOKING - Phone / (979) 492-9972 - BOOKING - E-mail / appointedbygrace@yahoo.com
Official Site - www.appointedbygrace.com
20321 CR 510 - Brazoria, TX 77422


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Joe, Karla and Hannah offer a unique mix of gospel music singing styles. Joe has been involved in music ministry for over thirty years. He sang and played bass with a family group called the Woodromes for many years as they traveled throughout the southeastern United States. In addition to being a Godly wife and mother, Karla has been involved in singing ministries since childhood, as has Hannah. God has gifted them as singers, songwriters, musicians and ministers. They have proven themselves to be dedicated to God and their families.

Joe served as an Associate Pastor and as a Youth and Music Director. He is now serving as an Evangelist. Karla grew up in a family of talented singers and musicians. She has taught Sunday school, AWANA, and Lady's Bible studies in her home church. For over thirteen years, she performed weekly at the Liberty Opry.

Singing there led to many opportunities for her to sing at community ceremonies, Senior Center programs, worship services and various church functions. Hannah has always been involved with music ministry. Her parents have pastored for 27 years and during their time of service, Hannah was able to join in their worship team by playing piano, leading singing and helping with Children's Church. At 16, she felt the Lord calling her to travel and sing to spread the gospel through music. Appointed By Grace is happy to be a part of her calling and know you will appreciate her ministry.

Appointed by Grace has appeared on numerous television programs throughout the nation and completed numerous recording projects both as a group and separately. Their ministry consists of powerful singing wrapped in the Word of God and seasoned with personal testimonies. Through the medium of song, they paint a portrait of hope for the lost, call the sinner to repentance, and encourage the Christian to service.

If you would like to invite this dynamic ministry to serve at your next ministry event, please reach out using the contact information at the top of this screen!


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