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Prairie Wind
BOOKING - Phone / 972-486-4705 - BOOKING - E-mail / lncrnw@aol.com
8310 FM 148 - Scurry, TX 75158

Sound Clips

Cast the First Stone

Boundless Love


Prairie Wind, a four piece all bluegrass gospel group, is well known by many churches and gospel singing venues in the Dallas metropolitan area, especially in the more rural areas of north, east, and southeast Texas. Prairie Wind features close three and four part bluegrass harmonies and traditional bluegrass flavor for both standard and non-standard gospel songs.

Ray Cornwell, guitarist and lead singer, founded Prairie Wind about 8 years ago and says that the group is a music ministry, trying to serve God by using what talent God has given him and of those he has gathered around him.

Ray's wife Linda Cornwell, bassist and co-founder of Prairie Wind, is also a devout christian and believes that God has ordained her husband and herself as gospel music missionaries. Linda is an excellent bass player who has never had a lesson and often testifies about how God has showed her how to play and sing.

Prairie Wind also includes:
David Hallmark - Mandolin and vocals
Michael Morris - Lead guitar and vocals

Prairie Wind currently has produced two cassette tapes and one CD that is offered for sale at the group's various appearences.

Booking Information:

Prairie Wind Bluegrass Gospel
Churches, Concerts
Ray Cornwell 972-486-4705 or 214-564-0158


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