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The Best Family
BOOKING - Phone / 940-452-1848 - BOOKING - E-mail / beacon4@suddenlink.net

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The Best Family consisting of David, Pamela and Alicia Best, is a family that truly loves the Lord and have purposed in their hearts to accept the Lord's call to Ministry by using their God given talents to spread the Gospel through music and the preaching of God's word.

Alicia is the youngest of four children. At 24 years old, she has accepted the calling of the Lord to sing praises unto His name. She has a wonderful voice that she knows is a gift from the Lord and wishes to use this talent for His ministry and glory. She has two precious little girls that travel with us sometimes and she wishes to bring them up in the ways of the Lord and the Best Family Ministry.

Pam comes from a singing family. At a young age of 6 she begin singing with her father, mother and sister known as "The Glover Family". Pam has served in numerous capacities in the church including Sunday School teacher, church secretary, youth minister and playing piano in many churches. She has a powerful testimony about her strong voice that God gave her from a bout of polio as a child. She has always used it for the Lord and always will.

David has been Music Minister in four churches, Youth Minister in 3 churches and for the past 7 1/2 years served as bi-vocational Pastor of the Westside Baptist Church in Mineral Wells, Texas. He plays the guitar, bass guitar and writes songs for this family group.

We Praise the Lord for all He has done for us in the past few years. We would also like to "Thank" those, you know who you are, who have helped us along the way. We have a CD and plan to make another one soon in the future. We also are so thankful for our trailer and music equipment that was a gift from the Lord. We pray blessings on the ones who made all of this possible and let the Lord use you in His way.

At the same time, we are praying God will open the doors for us to present the Gospel and the plan of salvation to a lost and dying world, and encouragement to those about us who may need a return to their first love, Christ Jesus.

We are available for concerts, revivals and special occasions. If we can be of service to you or your church, please feel free to contact us at the following phone number or e-mail address. Our new bookings will begin April 25th, 2008. God bless you.


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